Are you a dreamer? A goal setter? A wannabe jet-setter?

You aspire to be happy, successful, and surrounded by women who lift you up.

It seems like you’re doing the right things. School, work, socializing. But you’re burnt out and unsure of where this is all going. You’re in a game of catch up and it’s exhausting.

Trust me girl, been there done that.


And? I’m never going back. I don’t want you to, either.

Cue the confidence calls! I’ve pulled myself out of the routine life of playing catch up, doing what I’m “supposed to”, and feeling on the edge 24/7. It’s time I share my secret methods with you, too.

Confidence calls are 60-minute one-on-one calls with yours truly (me). In these 60-minutes, we are going to identify the ONE thing that is limiting every aspect of your life and free you from just that thing.

Because at the end of the day, it’s not the money or time holding you back from your dream life. It’s stress, fear, anxiety, and lack of confidence makes you shiver under your skin.

Claim your 60-minute call:

From a 60-minute confidence call, you can expect:

So, if you’re ready to feel stress-free, empowered, liberated, and annoyingly happy – confidence calls are for you.

The call is a one-time investment, however, you can book as many confidence calls as you feel needed. Just one? Perfect. One per month? I can’t wait to be new BFFs. Three per month? We might just need to meet for a coffee, on me. 😉

Reclaim control over your life TODAY! Now accepting bookings for May. Schedule your call before spots fill up! I can’t wait to chat soon.

Book your call today!

Xoxo, Mikayla Jai

about me, avocados, get your life together, introduction